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HomeNews10 Useful Tools for JavaScript Developers

10 Useful Tools for JavaScript Developers

JavaScript is one of the most popular languages that is supported by almost all mainstream browsers. This has made it quite popular amongst the developers for creating browser-based web apps.
This framework, with huge community-based support, has evolved over time and ever new capabilities are added to it every year.

The amazing thing about JavaScript is its ecosystem wherein thousands of tools and libraries are available for developers to build a highly intuitive website or web apps without much hassle.

This has helped create a multitude of frameworks and libraries around JavaScript that supports to streamline but also enhance the JavaScript application development process.

Some of these tools offer support in event handling, code reduction and data rendering. In this article, we have shared with you some of the essential tools that most JavaScript development companies use to create browser-based web apps.
10 useful tools for JavaScript developers


It is a powerful cross-platform text editor with Python APL. It is highly versatile and natively supports varied mark-up languages.

The developers can install plug-ins to get new capabilities. You can use Go To anything command to open files with only a few keystrokes and quickly jump to symbols, lines, or words.

You can also use this powerful API with its package ecosystem to customise anything simple JSON files like key bindings, menus, macros, snippets and more.


Node JS Package Manager is an online repository that many experts use to publish projects created through Node JS.

For any JavaScript development company, NPM offers huge capabilities that make JavaScript development more productive.

With more than 1 million packages, the free NPM registry is considered the largest in the world and has become the centre of JavaScript code sharing.


This powerful pluggable JavaScript linting tool is widely used by experts to find errors. It comes under NPM and offers newbies an excellent tool to find programming error quickly.

This plug-in is built into many popular editors which you can use as a part of your continuous integration pipeline that gives you the ability to analyse the code swiftly and fix any issue automatically.

This plug-in is also highly customisable and you can write your own rules so that it works exactly as per your needs.


This tool is specifically designed to work with the Node JS projects and to make them live in the browser.
It allows you to write code that uses ‘require ‘in the same way as it is used in the Node.


It is a JavaScript-based easy to use a Unit testing framework. It is mainly used by jQuery UI and jQuery Mobile projects for testing any generic JavaScript code. This tool follows the Node Long-Term Support Schedule.


It is a behaviour-driven development framework that many JavaScript development companies use. It is a fully automated behaviour-based test suit that offers a comprehensive testing environment for different kinds of Node JS projects.
This tool does not require a DOM and comes with a theme an obvious syntax which allows the developer to easily write tests.


It is a package manager that acts like an automation tool that helps in solving repetition issues in your workflow.
Gulp automates some tasks like running code analyses, putting modified files to an output directory, refreshing your browser when you save a file and so on.

This ensures that you can complete the project in double quick time by focusing your attention on writing code and not spend it on lengthy repetition issues.


This framework, based on JavaScript, is a highly flexible testing framework that offers developer asynchronous testing. The developer can also use any assertion library with it. It allows the tests to run serially, which makes it more flexible and accurate reporting at the same time mapping and caught exceptions to the correct test cases.
This toolkit comes with a large number of features including test coverage reporting, string diff, global variable leak detection, or to exist to prevent “hanging” with an active loop, easy meta generate suits & test cases, node debugger support, test specific timeouts and many more.


This tool allows the developer to load their module along with some dependencies like.JS,.CSS,.html et cetera. It works as a bundler that puts similar kinds of files into a single precise file which makes it great for easy organising and packing of deployment files.
Additionally, it has hot page reloading and CDN cache-busting features since Webpack automatically changes the names to have stacks of the file contents.


This is another powerful build tool that puts assets like JavaScript, images, CSS, and fonts in a dependency graph. It allows you to use ‘require ()’ in your source code for hunting local files like images.
This gives you the ability to decide how these local files are then processed like replacing the path with a URL. It allows you to synchronise the GITHUB projects and offers support for multiple languages. It also allows you to run tests on Linux and Mac OS X at the same time.

Conclusion: It is impossible to write about each existing tool of JavaScript in one article (there are thousands of them!). Therefore, we have only included the most popular tools that are used by experts in a multitude of JavaScript development services.
You must figure out which one of these is important to provide an optimal solution for your unique problems.

Shehbaz Malik
Shehbaz Malik
A computer science graduate. Interested in emerging technological wonders that are making mankind more approachable to explore the universe. I truly believe that blockchain advancements will bring long-lasting revolutions in people’s lives. Being a blogger, I occasionally share my point of views regarding the user experience of digital products.


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