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QXEFV: Quantitative Measurement of Experiential Value

Business architecture is a complex subject, and measurements will help us tie its parts together. Reliable measurements are especially valuable when it comes to data-driven decision-making. In an era where customer experience reigns supreme, understanding and measuring the experiential value of products, services, or interactions has become pivotal for businesses aiming to thrive in a competitive landscape. The concept of “Quantitative Measurement of Experiential Value” (QXEFV) emerges as a valuable tool, providing a systematic approach to evaluate and quantify the subjective nature of user experiences.

It suggests a method or approach for assessing and measuring the experiential value of something quantitatively. Experiential value often refers to the subjective worth or benefit derived from experiences, products, or services, and a quantitative measurement approach involves assigning numerical values or scores to assess and quantify that value.

The Value of Measurements

Anyone who has to create a measurement system for an organization will agree that this issue is the most difficult, although it may seem simple at first glance. Should we go deeper into it? I think so – let’s figure out what measurements are for. There are many things you can measure, but the primary usefulness of measurements is how much they help you make decisions about both relatively small adjustments and larger changes.

Most organizations are not lacking in metrics, but many are measuring the wrong things. Often, they do not have enough factual data to make a particular decision. The value of correctly selected indicators and reliable data is that they allow you to see the real situation in the company’s business and make informed decisions both at the top level and at the level of ordinary managers.

Senior managers need information support for:

  • Strategic and tactical business planning
  • Translation of strategy into operations
  • Assessing the progress of strategy implementation and adjusting it
  • Human Factor Impact Assessments

Tactical managers need indicators more for:

  • Making operational adjustments to operating activities
  • Connection of employee benefits with the formal goals of the company
  • Formation of corporate culture and employee education

Key Metrics in QXEFV

  1. Net Promoter Score (NPS): Widely used in customer experience assessment, NPS gauges the likelihood of individuals recommending a product or service to others. By quantifying word-of-mouth potential, businesses can indirectly measure the positive impact of experiential value.
  2. Customer Satisfaction (CSAT): CSAT measures the overall satisfaction of customers with specific experience. Through surveys and ratings, organizations can assign numerical values, allowing for easy comparison and trend analysis.
  3. Time-Based Metrics: Analyzing the time customers spend engaging with a product or service provides insights into the perceived value. Metrics like Average Time on Page, Dwell Time, or Time to Completion can be indicative of user engagement and satisfaction.
  4. Conversion Rates: For businesses with online platforms, conversion rates can be a valuable quantitative measure of experiential value. A seamless, enjoyable user experience often correlates with higher conversion rates.
  5. Usability Metrics: Evaluating the usability of a product or service involves metrics such as task success rates, error rates, and ease of use. Tools like System Usability Scale (SUS) provide a numerical score for usability, contributing to the overall experiential value.

Measurement Quality

Measurement forms the nervous system of business, provided that measurement data is accurate, timely, reliable and used for its intended purpose. This entails the requirements for high quality performance indicators. Similar to the set of requirements for SMART goals (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, time-bound), good indicators should have the following characteristics:

  • Relevance – Align with vision or goals to track progress and make management decisions.
  • Comparability – Use units of measurement that make it possible to compare data across different time periods, different geographical locations and different companies (benchmarking).
  • Time reference – Data must be tied to a specific point or period of time.
  • Measurability – The ability to obtain data without excessive expenditure of time and resources.
  • Reliability – the more factual support, the better, but value judgments are also acceptable, provided they are impartial.
  • Trust – people should be confident in the accuracy of the data, even if it does not indicate in their favor.

Relationship Between Indicators and Personal Motivation

The question of what data should be collected is always controversial, because managers understand that if the indicator is measured, then someone (himself?) will be held accountable for it, which he may not want. Actual measurements and target levels of performance indicators are almost always related to the formal and informal motivation of employees.

Peter Drucker is credited with the idea that without measurement it is difficult to keep staff’s attention. He also noted that control without feedback is like reading tea leaves. Where individual indicators are linked to collective ones and their contribution to achieving strategic goals is traced, staff motivation will help move in the right direction. Unfortunately, such a connection is often missing.

With the wrong approach, fixation on official indicators of employees and departments can lead to sub-optimization to the detriment of achieving a result that is valuable to the consumer and to deviation from strategic goals. Everyone strives to achieve their goal, but often these goals turn out to be false, because they are supported by the interests of departments, not the consumer.

When developing a measurement system, it is necessary to make it a rule to be guided not by staffing, but by an entity model, business process architecture and value streams that are neutral in relation to the organizational structure. Once we have established a system of performance indicators linked to value creation instead of an arbitrary formal hierarchy, we can ask the question of who will take responsibility for monitoring and for developing the measures necessary to achieve the required result. After this, and only after this, we will get an objective picture of the relationship between the organizational structure and the hierarchy of performance indicators.

Implementation Challenges

While QXEFV brings objectivity to the evaluation of experiential value, it comes with its set of challenges. Defining meaningful metrics tailored to the specific context of a business, ensuring data accuracy, and interpreting the results accurately are key challenges that organizations must address.


In the pursuit of delivering exceptional experiences, businesses can no longer rely solely on qualitative assessments. The Quantitative Measurement of Experiential Value (QXEFV) provides a structured approach, enabling organizations to gather actionable insights, make informed decisions, and continuously enhance the overall experiential value for their customers. As technology and analytical tools advance, QXEFV stands as a dynamic framework, evolving to meet the ever-changing landscape of customer expectations.

Shehbaz Malik
Shehbaz Malik
A computer science graduate. Interested in emerging technological wonders that are making mankind more approachable to explore the universe. I truly believe that blockchain advancements will bring long-lasting revolutions in people’s lives. Being a blogger, I occasionally share my point of views regarding the user experience of digital products.

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