If you are a student then you may be spending large sum of money every semester in purchasing textbooks. They are later useless for all of us then why we waste our profit buying them for a lifetime? Well, have a look at the top 3 websites to rent textbooks online that will save your valuable wallet from weeping. Renting textbooks instead of buying them is a good opportunity to truly save your money. Without wasting long let’s discuss the top 3 websites to rent books online.
Not enough access to expensive study course material become a barrier for students to achieve their goals. Cengage knows this fact very well and they have started an initiative to cut the costs of textbooks to a minimum so everyone is able it. They are not merely limited to selling and renting books but you can also take benefit from their other services too. Get flashcards and study guides from different sources which can help you a whole lot with your studies. In the event that you must have a book permanently, however, your wallet doesn’t stand with after this you can get used textbooks which have been in great condition. Ignore all of your worries they’re providing large discounts and various offers to students for renting textbooks online or purchasing used ones.
Undoubtedly no other site can beat Chegg when it comes to renting a book online. Their service is so cheaper as possible rent a book for a semester just for 10% of the printed price of the book. It sounds awesome right, Chegg not merely provides you book on rents but they have so many other features. It is possible to hire a tutor online for yourself beginning at 7 cents per minute. We’ve earlier provides free Chegg premium accounts to all our blog readers. Overall Chegg is a good platform when you yourself have some old books to offer then post them on Chegg and make some extra money. You can modify rent time according to your need and price will soon be shown accordingly. Chegg treats their customers like family. If you should be fortunate enough then you definitely would acquire some gifts along with your purchase.
Campus Book Rentals
Another great platform for textbook rental service. You can either take a book on rent or give your books on rents to others and earn some bucks accordingly. Website’s interference makes it so simple to find the desired book and check its rental price. According to their data that was shared a few days back, they have helped students to truly save over $140 million money overall. They do not charge you extra cash in the event that you treat your rented book bad. Odds are in future you get a book in bad condition only. As they take ratings from book owners and you’re served in future accordingly.
Well, this was the end of our number of best websites for renting textbooks online. Always take care to compare the prices of the book you wish to rent on different websites first. In all the cases costs are surely different so grab minimal one. If you find this article helpful then do share with your pals and classmates.